Secure, standards-based identity and access management.
Brightflag supports the SAML 2.0 standard for single sign-on and the SCIM standard for user provisioning, permissioning, and de-provisioning. This enables Brightflag to be deployed easily across your entire organization, including remote users, while leveraging existing technology infrastructure.
Featured single sign-on integrations:

Three ways to integrate with accounts payable (AP) systems.
Brightflag routes approved vendor invoices directly to AP, enabling a seamless posting and payment process. This can be done by email message, secure FTP, or API. Multiple AP routes can be configured, e.g., if an entity or geography has its own AP system instance or integration requirements.
Featured accounts payable integrations:
Export legal spend data to enterprise analytics systems.
Using Brightflag, users can create and run reports quickly and easily—no waiting on replies from support or IT teams. In addition, Brightflag can be configured to feed data to third-party analytics systems so that organizations can combine legal spend data with other data from the enterprise.
Featured analytics integrations:

Extended capabilities for your entire legal workflow.
Brightflag becomes even more powerful when it’s connected with the rest of your legal technology stack. Dozens of API endpoints facilitate integrations with service desk, insurance claims management, intellectual property management, legal document management, and legal hold software systems, and more.
Trusted by legal leaders at:
Take control of your legal spend.
Experience Brightflag with your own data.