See How Your Legal Ops Salary Stacks Up. Take the 2025 Compensation Survey.


Participate in Brightflag’s 2025 Corporate Legal Operations Compensation Survey

Looking for the most recent compensation data? Download our 2024 report.

Brightflag is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2025 Corporate Legal Operations Compensation Survey. The purpose of the survey is to help legal operations professionals, General Counsel, and HR leaders to better understand fair market compensation and trends.

Take the Survey Now ✍️

What Information We Collect

The survey questions are largely unchanged from 2024, which had an average completion time of 2 minutes and 43 seconds.

If you choose to participate in the survey, you’ll be asked for the following information:

  • Compensation: Base salary, cash bonus, and equity
  • Company: Industry and legal department size
  • Role: Job level, reporting line, and management responsibility
  • Location: Country and state (if in the United States)
  • Experience: Years of experience, bar admittance, and professional background
  • Demographics: Gender identity and ethnicity (both optional)

Take the Survey Now ✍️

How We Protect Your Anonymity

We’re advocates for #paytransparency ❤️, but we know many people don’t want the world to know how much they’re being paid. That’s why we take great care in protecting the anonymity of every person who participates in the survey. Here’s how we do it:

  • The survey doesn’t ask for your name, email, or company name. Because we don’t ask for this information, you may receive emails from us asking you to participate in the survey even after you’ve done so. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
  •, which we use to conduct the survey, is configured to capture responses anonymously. We don’t even save your IP address with your response.
  • Survey responses are kept separate from all other Brightflag systems, and are only accessible to the authors (and are anonymous to them for the above reasons).
  • The report will only include aggregate information. Although the survey asks for your job title, this is used for analytical purposes only and will not appear in the report.

Take the Survey Now ✍️

When the Results Will Be Published

The survey results will be published on March 20, 2025.

We’re hosting a webinar that same day to share and discuss the report’s findings. You’ll have the option to register for the webinar after completing the survey. If you do register for the webinar, we’ll email you the report automatically.

You can also register for the webinar without completing the survey by clicking here, or by returning to our website on or after the release date to download the report.

Take the Survey Now ✍️

Kevin Cohn, Chief Customer Officer

Kevin Cohn

Chief Customer Officer at Brightflag

Kevin is Brightflag's Chief Customer Officer, and previously served as Chief Operating Officer at Atypon, a publishing software company (acquired by Wiley), and SVP of Operations at Smartling, a language translation technology and services platform (acquired by Battery Ventures). Kevin has extensive experience building cloud workflow, productivity, and analytics companies. A Member of the Advisory Board of Legal Operators, Kevin is also passionate advocate for the development of the legal operations industry and the professionals working in it, and is a frequent speaker at major legal operations events.